Egg muffins with cheese

... from Katerina in Muffins Visits 14303 11 May, 2020
Egg muffins with cheese suitable for breakfast, picnic, appetizer or served with fresh salad.

8 min preparation

20 min baking


9 pieces


1 Crush the white cheese. Grate the yellow cheese. Finely chop the green onions.

2 In a bowl, beat the eggs with a wire whisk. Add olive oil, white cheese, yellow cheese and chopped onion. Beat again.

3 Add the dry ingredients - flour, black pepper and baking powder. Stir well.

4 Preheat oven to 200 degrees. From the whole mixture, I've got 9 pieces of egg muffins. I use silicone molds for baking. Fill the 1/2 from each form muffin.

5 Bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins acquire a pleasant golden crust.


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